Changing Accountants

How can I transition to a new accountant?

Transitioning to a new accountant is a straightforward process that can be easily accomplished. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Select your new accountant: Start by reaching out to the accountant you wish to engage and arrange a meeting to discuss your business requirements and agree on the fees.

  2. Initiate the switch: Once you have made the final decision to switch accountants, most of the transition process will be handled between your old and new accountants. Your new accountant will notify your previous accountant about the decision to switch and request the transfer of all your accounting and tax records held by them.

Professional bodies require accountants to provide the necessary paperwork and records within a reasonable timeframe, and they are familiar with the procedures involved.

  1. Settle matters with your previous accountant: As long as you have settled any outstanding payments for the completed work by your previous accountant, there should typically be no charge for the handover of information. 

By following these steps, you can smoothly transition to a new accountant without any hassle.

Important Things You Should Know


Once you have made full payment, you have the right to request a statement of account from your current accountant. They should provide you with a refund for the services they haven’t already completed, but not for the work that is  finished.

You have the freedom to switch accountants whenever you deem necessary!

Your previous accountant should be able to provide you with current details regarding the tasks they have completed for you, facilitating a seamless transition to any new accountant handling your business.

If you are dissatisfied with the services provided by your accountant, there is no better time than now to contemplate making a change!

Revenue does not monitor individuals who switch accountants, and such a change will not raise any concerns or trigger a Revenue Audit. Transitioning to a new accountant is considered a routine aspect of managing a business and is not perceived as an effort to conceal any wrongdoing. It is a common practice for businesses throughout Ireland to switch accountants regularly.

Accountancy Limerick

Based in 61 O’Connell Street Limerick, Gaule Bermingham & Company Accountants have provided excellent services since 1984

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